At last a picture that's not his usual sitting pose.
And now back to our usual program. It's tride and true.
And it melts my Heart, but for the rest of you I thought I'd try a new pose.
Bodega was not impressed about a longer photo session!
Maybe if I look cute she'll play with me instead, please......
Camera in hand I wait for the magic, Bodega says "this is my Camera face!"
If I look Grumpy maybe she'll go away.......
Okay how bout, cute and sad, c'mon mom lets do something fun.
Sideways pose......................................
Sunbathing in the window pose...................
There is a reason behind this madness, I need a better camera.
See the results of me trying to be creative, in the widow sill.
Luckily Bodega looks cute in any lighting
But with the right camera these could have been briliant
Bodega says I don't care, I'm ready for a nap.
Clearly Mama, you can't take a hint
Dear mom, you are annoying, but I still love you.
This is what happens when I try get action shots.
And this
Cute dog
Playful puppy
and jumping............................................
and running..............................................
and bringing................................................
back to Mama.
Off to see my friend Ffalen.
Mr. Cuteness, and Ffalen on a rare break from buring her ball in the snow.
If I pretend to like him will he go away.
so sadly untill I get a Digital SLR (hopefully soon)
We are stuck with The Pose.
The End.